
Cute Sayings About Thanksgiving (5)

By this very sweet pie, I shall not lie that you are the sweetest I know and thank you ever and evermore

I love chicken. I would eat chicken fingers on Thanksgiving if it were socially acceptable.

"What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving ?"
Erma Bombeck

We're having something a little different this year for Thanksgiving. Instead of a turkey, we're having a swan. You get more stuffing.
George Carlin

Stuffing is evil. Stuffing adds mass so it slows down the cooking. That's evil because the longer the bird cooks,  the dryer it will be!
Alton Brown

Stuffing is evil. Stuffing adds mass, so it slows the cooking. That's evil because the longer the bird cooks, the drier it will be.