

Today's Curiosities!!


91. Where would you find the most white sand beaches in the world.
92. Is it legal to collect sand from beaches?
93. Today, I just want you to go for a walk and see what you can find. Most of the time, we are so busy that we miss so many little things that are little curiosities in their own way. What if you found a quarter on the ground. That would lead you to wonder who dropped it and where were they going when that dropped it. Did they even realize that they had dropped it? Maybe they did it on purpose!
94. You won't believe just how old pretzels are. If you are a fan, see if your can find the answer! Yup... I just did!
95. Did you know that there actually is a National Pretzel Day and nope... it's not this month but do you really care?? I don't ;)
96. What causes Brain Fog?

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