

A Quote About Losing Your Past

"Tell me about your family," I said. I listened intently as my mother went through each branch of the tree. Years later, after the funeral, Maria asked me questions about the family - who was related to whom - and I struggled. I couldn't remember. A big chunk of our history had been buried with my mother. You should never let your past disappear that way."
Mitch Albom, For One More Day 

I have two loves... quotes and DNA!
Every morning I start my day by working on my family tree.. and then I turn to those for other people. so... *If you don't have one, I will do it for you! I charge $120.00 for a quick tree of at least 20 people but I can usually find a lot more depending on how much info you can supply!
What I Will Need From You... As these individuals will be complete strangers to me, I will require as much information as you can supply for me to be successful.
spbragg@gmail dot com