

The Christmas Season... Time To Slow Down

"When we compound our multitude of tasks and responsibilities with an equally frenetic and busy mind, the result is confusion, chaos and stress."

I hope that you will take a little time today to just take things slow...  :)
Some Quotes about Hope

I have two loves... quotes and DNA! Every morning I start my day by working on my family tree.. and then I turn to those for other people. so...

*If you don't have one, I will do it for you! I charge $120.00 for a quick tree of at least 20 people but I can usually find a lot more depending on how much info you can supply!
What I Will Need From You... As these individuals will be complete strangers to me, the more info about your grandparents, the further back I can go!!
spbragg@gmail dot com

***Best Bang For Your Buck...
It took me a few years, but I now know what to do with all of those DNA results that you have no idea what to do with. You have spent good money on that kit... spend $10.00 more and I will tell you exactly what to look for. I now have 922 4th or closer cousins. spbragg@ gmail dot com