

My Cloudy Day List

It's not a sunny day today, but that's not going to stop me. I have a list of things to do that should keep me out of trouble lol!!

                                                             My Cloudy Day List...

1. Read a book. I'm reading Arcadia by Iain Pears at the moment.. It's about time travel and duplicate worlds! I have never read a book quite so fast!!

2. Sip a mug of hot mint tea while you watch the world outside your window!!

3. Bake cookies or at least prepare the cookie mix. I do this all the time. Cuts the job in half!!

4. Write a letter. remember those?? It would "tickle me to death" to find a letter in the mail box waiting for me instead of a bill!!

5. Doodle what the sky looks like right now.

6. Watch the birds. I'm sure the birds in our town have the most unique personalities.

7. Count how many cars go by as you are drinking your tea. You have to wonder where everyone is going when you don't need to be anywhere!!

8. Work on your family tree. I've been working on mine for at least ten years and I'm no where near finished! Hope I didn't turn anyone off lol. There's always something new to discover!!

9. Plan what you are going to have for dinner! I hate having to come up with something with just an hour to go!!

10. Turn on the radio to a new station!! You just never know what you will find to interest you today!!

      "You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with." Wayne Dyer

                                         I have two loves... quotes and DNA!