

Making Happy Stuff Happen

Tomorrow I want you to do nothing for a while. Okay, maybe not nothing per se... but choose something that will give you enjoyment. Today, believe it or not today I dusted the table  legs. I had no idea that they  were so dusty until I saw the sun shining on them last night at dinner. I was horrified. Okay, maybe horrified is a bit strong, but I have a daughter-in- law that scrutinizes everything from the minute she steps into the house.  Now she would have been horrified if she had spotted all that dust lol. So, I took care of it this morning.  I actually enjoyed it.  

Especially now that hubby is talking about having nothing to do around the house. That generally means that he wants to move again!!  Yeah, that is why I have my regular entries on helping you get your house ready to sell. I have it down to a fine art after all these moves lol