

Things To Be Curious About... People Disappearing in the Bennington Triangle!

                       Things To Look Up When You Are Bored and All Alone!!
56. St Patrick's Day Fairy Garden Pie... this is sooooo cool and if you have a granddaughter, this is going to blow her away!! 

57. Lucky Charms... I was just told that I should carry one!  It apparently helps with anxiety!

58. The Hobblebush... Isn't that a cool name and butterflies love it!!

59. The Illusion of Time... I always thought that there was something odd about time... how it speeds up and slows down. I was right!!

60. Meteora, Greece... doesn't get any better than this! Just plain wow!! 

61. Dudleytown, Connecticut... What happened there??

62. Whitton Dean, Northumberland... apparently the area believes in Fairies!!
63.Why do people keep disappearing in the Bennington Triangle? Not the Bermuda Triangle in case you are wondering.
64.. What are lucid dreams?
Hope that you have a great day!!