

Why Don't We All See the Northern Lights?

Things To Look Up When You Are Bored Or All Alone!!

79* Why don't we all see the Northern Lights?
80 Can the average person ever glimpse into the future?
81. How fast do nails grow in the winter?
apparently slower in the winter... but that doesn't seem to be the case for me
Ooh... just found out why... I'm healthy lol!
82. Where would you find the most white sand beaches in the world.



A few more thoughts....

This blog has been created for those of you who suffer like me from ANXIETY.. when all you can think about are all the bad things that might happen to you. Have you noticed that they never do, but you still worry about the next time, chances that they might. That has been my life for way too long and no one has ever come up with a way to fix me ;) So, just give it a try and whenever a nasty thought or worry pops into your head, replace it by popping over here and take a look at what I have found for you. I was worried that I just might run out of curiosities, but so far, it hasn't happened! I don't think that a day goes by when something makes me curious!!