

Setting the Thanksgiving Table...

We could set the table as if it was any other day, or we could pull out all the stops and make it positively gorgeous. And no, it doesn't have to cost you a bundle.

1. Pray that no one spills anything on it, but then you can always spray it so that nothing penetrates the fibers. 

2. You can protect the tablecloth as I mentioned above or you can use placemats that you have covered with plexi-glass place mats. If you can find glass even better, but plexi-glass is cheaper. As your husband, he might know where you can locate a source. I just happened to mention the idea to my husband and he knew instantly where I could find a sheet. Apparently his company uses the stuff for something and he knew right where to go. All I had to do was give him the size that I needed and he took care of the rest.

3. Centerpiece... if your table has room for it, place a fall wreath in the center and then set 3 candles inside. 

4. Tiny pumpkins can be little favors to sit by each place setting. If you have the time, they could be hollowed out and a tiny tea light could be inserted. 

5. Choose napkins... paper or otherwise to sit on each setting. My daughter picked up 8 of every color she could find one Christmas when they were on sale and now, I have cloth napkins for every occasion... as long as I don't have more than eight at a time. But, come to think of it, I did once have to mix and match the napkins and that worked out quite nicely. 

A little off topic lol...
*The sideboard: which I just happened to have moved from the upstairs landing to my new dining room. Now I get to decorate that too. I just love the fact that I have storage for all of my dishes... right in the dining room. In our last house, they had to be stored in the basement.