

More Thoughts About a Foggy Day

Sometimes we need the fog to remind ourselves that all of life is not black and white.
Jonathon Lockwood Huie

It is not the clear-sighted who rule the world.
Great achievements are accomplished in a blessed,
warm fog.
 Joseph Conrad

When I came to New York and I opened the window of
the thirty-fifth-floor apartment,
there's light pollution and fog, and I couldn't see my star.
So I drew it on my wrist with a pen,
but it kept washing away.
Then I went to a tattoo parlor on Second Avenue and had it done.
 Gisele Bundchen

More Quotes About Foggy Days

Also Available...Thoughts For An Early Morning
I think that I began to love quotes when I began to thumb through my mom's Women's Day magazines. They always devoted an entire page to quotes that were sent in by their readers. They were so thought provoking. I always looked forward to reading them.
Too Old To Care
This is my second most popular blog. It is filled with videos that I have found during the day. It is so easy to miss the good ones. I hope that you enjoy what I have found!!