

A Christmas Quote about Change

"Without change, we could not exist. If your kids didn't grow up, they couldn't have kids of their own. If we didn't get both rain and sunshine, the plants wouldn't grow and so forth. When we hang on to things beyond a certain point - youth, beauty, power, a role, success... whatever - we suffer."

Makes sense even if we don't like it much!

I have two loves... quotes and DNA! Every morning I start my day by working on my family tree.. and then I turn to those for other people. so...

*If you don't have one, I will do it for you! I charge $120.00 for a quick tree of at least 20 people but I can usually find a lot more depending on how much info you can supply!
What I Will Need From You... As these individuals will be complete strangers to me, the more info about your grandparents, the further back I can go!!
spbragg@gmail dot com

***Best Bang For Your Buck...
It took me a few years, but I now know what to do with all of those DNA results that you have no idea what to do with. You have spent good money on that kit... spend $10.00 more and I will tell you exactly what to look for. I now have 909 4th or closer cousins. spbragg@ gmail dot com