

Setting Up Your First Family Tree

I have a to-do list for you because there is a right way and a wrong way to research your tree.

What is the BIGGEST wrong way???... Going too fast!  Been there so I know!! Lets start at the beginning... With a pen and paper, you are going to see exactly what you know and what you don't...

You are going to brainstorm to see just how much you know. Start off with a page for yourself.  Name at the top, date of birth and where you were born. Maiden name of course.

Second Sheet.... Your Father's Complete Name, date of birth and where he was born. Do you know all of this? You Might have to find out from relatives.

Third Sheet... Your Mother's Complete Name, date of birth and where she was born. 

Fourth Sheet. Your Dad's Mother's Name (Maiden Name)

Fifth Sheet... Your Dad's Father's Name

Sixth Sheet... Your Mom's Mother's Name (Maiden Name)

Seventh Sheet... You Mom's Father's Name

Now, we are going to start a brand new tree. I use  Ancestry for my tree and I made sure that I updated my Profile so that people could contact me. I found a second cousin that way!! ** Be sure to spend a little time getting to know your way around Ancestry. It's pretty powerful! 
That's a lot to start off with. I will give more tips in the coming days.