

Lily of the Valley Quotes

Lily of the Valley
Seeing that it is now May, I thought that I would go and see what I could find out about one of my favorite plants... the Lily of the Valley!

White bud! that in meek beauty dost lean
Thy cloistered cheek as pale as moonlight snow,
Thou seem’st, beneath thy huge, high leaf of green,
An Eremite beneath his mountain’s brow.
George Croly—The Lily of the Valley.

*The Lily of the Valley is also the birth flower for May.

*In the fall, the tiny flowers of the Lily of the Valley developed into scarlet berries.

*I was just reading that inn some parts of Germany, a wine is still prepared from the flowers, and then mixed with raisins. I wonder what that would taste like??

*Here's something that I like. We just moved to a new country after leaving all of our family behind. Our new home has just sprouted a ton of Lily of the Valley plants and if this superstition holds, it means a return of happiness!

Apparently the Lily of the Valley was named by monks in northern Europe hundreds of years ago, apparently because this flower thrives in valleys and blooms in May. When you look at plants today... you never pause to think that they have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years!

*How to Transplant Lily of the Valley |

Image via Wikipedia