

Thoughts and Quotes on Boredom

Rainy Days

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Okay, I'm bored today... The weather was supposed to be in the nineties and instead it's overcast and it has poured down at least twice. It's not as if we even need the rain. As it is, we are rather soggy! I want heat! I have been updating my summer wardrobe and at the way things are going, I'm not sure that I will ever get to wear half of them!

A Few Quotes on the Topic:

All our life passes in this way: we seek rest by struggling against certain obstacles, and once they are overcome, rest proves intolerable because of the boredom it produces.
Blaise Pascal

Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time. Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face.
Jean Baudrillard 

Boredom rests upon the nothingness that winds its way through existence; its giddiness, like that which comes from gazing down into an infinite abyss, is infinite.

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