Make up your mind to be happy. Learn to find pleasure in simple things. Robert Louis Stevenson
**It sounds so easy doesn't it! Today, I'm going to try to find 5 simple things that will give me that pleasure that he is talking about. I don't know what they will be as of yet, but I'm going to give it my best shot. Are you going to join me? I hope so :)
When we are authentic, when we keep our spaces simple, simply beautiful living takes place!!
Alexandra Stoddard
**It sounds so easy doesn't it! Today, I'm going to try to find 5 simple things that will give me that pleasure that he is talking about. I don't know what they will be as of yet, but I'm going to give it my best shot. Are you going to join me? I hope so :)
When we are authentic, when we keep our spaces simple, simply beautiful living takes place!!
Alexandra Stoddard