Pietro Aretino
Isn't that a nice way to look at winter! I can't think of one thing that I don't like that was mentioned above... well maybe a glass of wine instead of the jug lol!
To shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring. ~W.J. Vogel
Autumn arrives in early morning, but spring at the close of a winter day.
Elizabeth Bowen
Stacked Stone Electric Fireplace Heater
We are accustomed to consider Winter the grave of the year, but it is not so in reality. In the stripped trees, the mute birds, the disconsolate gardens, the frosty ground, there is only an apparent cessation of Nature's activities. Winter is pause in music, but during the pause the musicians are privately tuning their strings, to prepare for the coming outburst. When the curtain falls on one piece at the theatre, the people are busy behind the scenes making arrangements for that which is to follow. Winter is such pause, such fall of the curtain. Underground, beneath snow and frost, next spring and summer are secretly getting ready. The roses which young ladies will gather six months hence for hair or bosom, are already in hand. In Nature there is no such thing as paralysis. Each thing flows into the other, as movement into movement in graceful dances Nature's colours blend in imperceptible gradation all her notes are sequacious.
Alexander Smith